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Sat, Dec 09


Jane St. Art Center, Saugerties, NY

Chorus of Angels

Angels have played a major part in our human psyche for thousands of years. This group exhibition aims to illuminate the the radiance of these mythical* sages. (*jury still out)

Chorus of Angels
Chorus of Angels

Time & Location

Dec 09, 2023, 4:00 PM – Jan 06, 2024, 8:00 PM

Jane St. Art Center, Saugerties, NY, 11 Jane St Suite A, Saugerties, NY 12477, USA

About the event

Angels have played a significant part in our human psyche for thousands of years, beginning (as some scholars say) with the ancient Babylonians. Humans have looked to angels for guidance from early Jewish traditions in mystical texts like The Apocrypha and The Book of Enoch to Christian traditions like The Book of Revelations and later to contemporary spirituals. They have appeared in times of crisis and turmoil. Angels have been described as loyal guardians, messengers of God, with wings or subtle matter, and displayed the vengeance of God as in The Book of Revelations. Their presence has been debated, depicted, written about, classified, sexualized, wrestled with, and feared. Like many people, my mother kept a tiny guardian angel statue in her car. Some people argued that angels may even have been Aliens and UFOs.

Lucinda Abra, Christine Alicino, Joan Barker, Ana Bergen, Lauren Bergman, Natalie Boburka, Linda Cassidy, Lucille Colin, Collin Douma, Barbara Esmark, Kristin Flynn, Harriet Forman Barrett, Deborah Freedman, William Greenwood, Calvin Grimm, Josepha Gutelius, Grey Ivor Morris, Len Jenkin, Roxie Johnson, Kay Kenny, Dakota Lane, Tracy A. Leavitt, Janet M. Lee-Dow, Anne Leith,Barbara Tepper Levy, Lisa Mackie, Elin Menzies, Jim Napierala, Sean Nixon, Jacqueline Oster, Tracy Phillips, Christy Rupp, Steven Rushefsky, Lisa Samalin, Laurie Sheridan, Joan Sonnenfeld

My Piece: "Irrefutable Evidence

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